Preliminary BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON Version: A0 在接觸此份文件之任何內容以前,請詳細閱讀下開聲明。一旦此份文件揭露予接收者,該接收者即被推定
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON ix Figure 6-35 Color Standard Selection ...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 90 From Pin 104 SettingFrom Pin 105 Setting Figure 7-8 TWSI Read/Write Mode
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 91 8 Timing Diagram 8.1 Hardware Reset 8.2 Clock and Interrupt 8.3 Input
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 92 Symbol Describe Max. Min. Unit TI0S, TI1S Input Setup time 2 Ns TI0H, TI1
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 93 9 Electrical Characteristic 9.1 Absolute Maximum Rating SYMBOL PARAMETER MIN
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 94 10 Soldering Information 10.1 Reflow Soldering The choice of heating method may
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 95 11 Package Information
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 96 Index R_6BITS_EN ...17
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 97 R_CDV_SEL... 47 R_CH1
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 98 R_DAGC1_VSUP ...51 R_DAGC2_EN
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 99 R_HOUNT ...74 R_HW
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 1 1 General Description BIT1612 是結合 T-CON 與 OSD 的一個高性能單晶片數字式視訊解碼器。視訊解碼器解譯普遍使用的NTSC/
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 100 R_LINE_CUT_M1...35 R_LINE_TH
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 101 R_POL_IHS...29 R_PO
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 102 R_SCX2_FIX ...33 R_SC
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 103 R_SWAP_UV...29 R_SWAP
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 104 R_VISUAL_TYPE ...29 R_VNOISE
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 105 R_W2_INDEX_E ...65 R_W2_IND
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 2 y Programmable RGB input port order and pin order y 5V tolerance input pads sup
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 3 3 Order Information BIT1612-LQ LQFP Type Package Part Number Beyond Innovation
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 4 5 Pin Definition 1011009998971201191181171161151141131121111101091081071061051041
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 5 ROUT0 11 O ROUT[1] / ~VCOM / Raw Data[0] / GPO[0] POT8 ROUT1 12 O ROUT[2]
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 6 TOUT5 66 I/O KEY[5] / CKV / Raw Data[29] PBCU8 TOUT6 67 I/O KEY[6] / LD /
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 7 BIN7 121 I BIN[7] / KEY_IN[7] PICU AGND 122 AG33 AFE GND (3.3V) AVDD 123
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 8 6 Functional Description 6.1 Version Control BIT1612 內部提供硬體版本資訊及軟體版本資訊,兩組 Registe
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 9 Table 6-3 Interrupt Controller Register Mnemonic Address R/W Bits Descripti
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON i Content 1 General Description ...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 10 Sync Ready Detection Enable 0: Disable R_INTSYNCRDY_EN 0x0FB[1] RW 11: Enable
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 11 6.3 Double Buffer BIT1612 在Scaling Factor (0x05F~0x061,0x067) 和Display Windows
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 12 6.4 Pad Type Setup BIT1612 輸出的 PAD 可設定為 Tri-State 輸出,而輸入的 PAD 尚可控制其內建之 Pull-Up o
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 13 6.5 GPO (General Purpose Output) Function BIT1612 內部提供 8 個GPO Register contro
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 14 6.7 Clock Domain Systems BIT1612 內部存在五個 Clock Domain: 1. PCLK Domain: Source C
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 15 1: Enable DAC Clock Domain Enable 0: Disable R_DACCLK_EN 0x00B[2] RW 11: Enable
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 16 Line Buffer Clock 3 Polarity 0: Normal R_LN3CLK_POL 0x0F7[2] RW 11: Invert 0 Li
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 17 6.9 Output Data Path BIT1612 可針對輸出的Data Bus分別做Invert、Rotate和Swap的處理,其相關Register
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 18 Figure 6-5 Output Data Path Selection 6.10 Special Output Setup BIT1612 提
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 19 6.11 Special Timing Adjustment BIT1612 可針對不同的 Panel Timing 做微調設定,在 Timing 調整上特別
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON ii 6.20.2 ITU656-Like ...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 20 6.12 TCON Function BIT1612 內建 Programmable TCON Function 將可經由 BIT1612 直接驅動 Analo
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 21 1: Invert LTPS Mode Selection 0: Normal Mode R_LTPS_MODE 0x032[5] RW 11: LTPS T
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 22 6.13 TCON Clock Mode BIT1612 提供多種 TCON CPH Clock 模式,其相關 Registers 設定請參考下表。 Tabl
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 23 6.15 Background 2 BIT1612 內部提供 64 種背景色以提供在 4:3 模式下的邊框顯示,其相關Registers設定及其意義請參考 T
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 24 Figure 6-9 Free Run and Background 6.17 Auto Blank Screen BIT1612 內建自動 Bl
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 25 6.18 Input Image Window Setup 設定Input Image Window,BIT1612 將針對此區域內的資料進行Scaling運
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 26 R_ROL_RIN 0x04A[3] RW 1 R Data Rotate Î 0: Disable 1: Enable 0 R_ROL_GIN 0
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 27 6.20 Input Format BIT1612 支援七種輸入格式:ITU656、ITU656-Like、ITU601、RGB888、RGB565、Seria
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 28 Y0 Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Y7 Y8 Y9Y10Y11 Y12 Y13 Y14 Y15 ...Y16U0 U1 U2 U3 U4 U5 U6
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 29 6.21 Input Mode Selection BIT1612 經由Register設定決定輸入模式,其相關Registers設定,請參考下表,相對應之方
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON iii 6.28.12 Input Path Selection...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 30 1: Enable Input Mode Selection 0: YUV Domain Source Input R_IMODE 0x04D[3] RW 1
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 31 6.22 Auto Switch BIT1612 針對Input Windows、Scaling Factor和Timing setup提供兩組Registe
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 32 6.24 Scaling Engine BIT1612 可分別針對垂直 (Vertical) 和水平 (Horizontal) 方向做 Scaling 處理,其
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 33 6.24.2 Horizontal Scaling UP Engine BIT1612 可針對水平方向作放大處理,以符合Panel解析度。其相關設定請參考 T
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 34 6.24.3 Vertical Scaling Engine BIT1612 可依據Auto Switch Mode所選擇的模式 (Mode 0/Mode
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 35 Vertical Scaling Filter Enable 0: Disable R_SCY_FILTER_EN_M1 0x073[1] RW 11: En
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 36 IVREFOVREFt1t2R_IS_YSR_IS_YWR_DIS_YSR_DIS_YW Figure 6-22 Timing Adjustment VR
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 37 6.26.2 Pre-Processing Brightness/Contrast Adjustment BIT1612 針對 Y Domain 提供 Bri
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 38 6.26.5 Chroma Transient Improvement (CTI) BIT1612 提供Chroma Transient Improvemen
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 39 6.26.9 DAC Correction BIT1612 有一 DAC 誤差修正演算法,可以修正 DAC 誤差,其相關 Registers 設定請參考下表。
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON iv 8.3 Input Signal ...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 40 6.27 PWM Function BIT1612 提供三組可獨立設定之PWM輸出,可藉此控制背光、聲音等裝置,其相關Registers設定請參考下表,相對應之
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 41 10: Synchronized with Output VSYNC 0x: Not Synchronized with VSYNC Panel cloc
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 42 6.28.2 Video Decoder Architectures Figure 6-27 Video Decoder Block Diagra
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 43 UV Gain, Saturation and Kill Color BIT1612 針對 UV Domain Data 提供 UV ga
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 44 6.28.4 Synchronization Process Synchronization Process Block 從 Y/C 分離後的 Luminanc
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 45 6.28.5 VBI Data Slicer BIT1612 提供 Data Slicer 功能可依據針對所設定的 Lines 及 Even/Odd,分離出
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 46 6.28.7 Luminance Process PreFilterChromaTrapBandPassFilterBrightnessContrastPath
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 47 6.28.8 Chroma Process Anti-FilterDemodulatorSub-CarrierGeneratorLow-PassFilterCh
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 48 0: Type 1 1: Type 2 R_SQP_LPPI 0x0CF[6:5] RW 2 Sub-Carrier Phase Detection Facto
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 49 10: Type 2 11: Type 3 C Domain Force 1D Filter Selection (Phase 90) 000: High
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON v Table Table 5-1 BIT1612 Pin Definition...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 50 6.28.10 AGC and ACC Process BIT1612 提供 AGC (Auto Gain Control)功能以控制 Analog PGA
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 51 Analog AGC Hold for ADC1 0: Disable (Tracer) R_AAGC1_HOLD 0x0E0[1] RW 11: Enable
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 52 11: 12 db (x4) Analog Clamp 2 Enable 0: Disable (Turn Off Analog Clamp) R_ACLAMP
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 53 6.28.11 AFE and PLL Control BIT1612 內建 AFE (Analog Front End) 設定參數,相關設定請參考下表。
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 54 6.28.12 Input Path Selection BIT1612 Video Decoder內建兩組 10 Bits ADC,提供三組Analog信號
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 55 Y/C Mode: Y Signal Input from AIN2 C Signal Input from AIN11 1 1 0 1 0 Y/C Mode
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 56 0: 50Hz 1: 60Hz Auto 50/60Hz Detection Mode (R_AUFD=1) 0: Normal Mode 1: Fast Mo
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 57 0: No Color or Low Color 1: Color Source R_SQP_COUNT 0x175[3:0] R 4 Burst Phase
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 58 6.30 Serial RGB Output BIT1612 內建Serial RGB輸出介面,從可以SRGB[8:1] (Pin52~Pin45)輸出數位R
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 59 R_SPI1690_DESYNC 0x0F5[4] RW 1 BIT1690 Interface – CMD Sync 0 R_SPI1690_CHEC
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON vi Table 6-35 LUT Gamma Register...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 60 R_W2_Y 0x124[5:4], 0x123[7:0] RW 10 OSD2 Start Y Position 0x0D2R_W2_W 0x125[6
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 61 Display RAMCODE0x5xx[3:0]0x4xx[6:0]0x3000x33FPalette RAM0x000x7F0x800xAFFixed R
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 62 Display RAM0x4000x4010x5FFPalette RAM0x420x490x540x4020x5800x5810x5820x200x610x4
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 63 Color FONT RAM0x3F0x020x070x000x200x010x200x3E0x1F0x3F0x100x010x60B0x60C0x60A0x6
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 64 R_W0_WMIRY 0x10A[6] RW 1 OSD0 Window Flip 0 R_W0_FMIRX 0x109[7] RW 1 OSD0 C
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 65 4’b0000: 1 Pixel; ~ 4’b1111: 16 Pixels; R_W1_FFRI_V 0x11C[6:4] RW 3OSD1 Font Fri
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 66 5’b1001X: x0.5 (Field Change) R_W2_MULY 0x12A[3:0] RW 4OSD2 Vertical Character S
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 67 6.32.4 OSD Windows Overlap Selection 以下 Register 用來選擇 OSD 視窗重疊的順序。 Table 6-61
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 68 6.32.5 External OSD Interface BIT1612 可連接外部 OSD 作為更複雜的 OSD 應用,共計可以顯示 8 種顏色。然而,因
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 69 6.32.7 OSD Clock Control BIT1612 OSD部份提供 Clock 開或關的功能,其相關Registers設定請參考 Table 6
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON vii Table 7-4 Instruction Set...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 70 6.33 Timer BIT1612 提供了兩個獨立 16 位元的計數器,相關說明及設定請參考下列圖表。 Table 6-65 Timer Register
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 71 6.34 IR Decoder Function BIT1612 提供 NEC IR Decoder function,由 BIT1612 偵測 NEC IR
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 72 6.35 GPI and KEY Function BIT1612 內建 8 組GPI (General Purpose Input),並可針對各個GPI P
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 73 PLL Half Clock Output 0: Normal R_PLL_HALFCK 0x158[2] RW 11: Half Clock 1 PLL C
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 74 自動辦別 NTSC/PAL Mode 並可由 Register (0x16A[1]) 直接讀出其狀態。 5. EVEN/ODD Type Detection:
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 75 01: From VSYNC1 Pin 10: From HSYNC2 Pin 11: From VSYNC2 Pin
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 76 7 User Interface BIT1612 提供二種 Interface Mode (Slave Mode 和 Script Master Mode),使
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 77 Figure 7-2 Master Mode with Single 24C16 Figure 7-3 Master Mode with Si
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 78 24C1624C02Serial EEPROMBIT1612{R_EEPROM_BANK[4:0], ADDR[10:0]}OP0OP1OP2OP3WPWPSc
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 79 7.2 Master Mode – Script MCU BIT1612 內建 Script MCU,可提供使用者將程式碼儲存在 Serial EEPROM
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON viii Figure Figure 4-1 BIT1612 Architecture ...
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 80 Power Low Flag 0: Normal R_POF 0x13E[4] R 11: Power Low Reset MCU Debug Mode 0:
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 81 R_SPI2_EN 0x13C[3] RW 1SRGBOUT[8] = SPI CLK SRGB_SDO = SPI DATA SRGB_CS = SPI CS
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 82 C_FLAG Í ~C_ FLAG 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 NOTZ Z_ FLAG Í ~Z_ FLAG 1 ●0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 RE
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 83 Table 7-5 Instruction Format 1 Byte– OPCODE |← 1byte →| Instruction:
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 84 OPCODE A10 A9 A8 A7 A6 A5 A4 A3 A2 A1 A0 #NUMBER COUNT VALUE |← 1byte
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 85 Figure 7-5 BIT1612 Script Controller Addressing Space 有些應用上希望使用超過 2KB的程式記憶體
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 86 沒有對 R_WDT_CLEAR 執行寫入 1、寫入 0 的動作,Script MCU 會自動 Reset,透過 R_WDT_OV 可以得知本次 Reset 是起
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 87 7.3 Slave Mode BIT1612 提供 BiTEKbus 或 Two-Wire Serial Interface (TWSI) 兩種 Proto
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 88 7.3.2 TWSI Protocol BIT1612 Slave Address 也支援 Two-Wire Serial Interface (TWSI) P
BIT1612 10-Bit Digital Video Decoder with OSD and T-CON 89 0x00~0x0F0x20~0x2F0x40~0x4F0x60~0x6FOP3=0OP2=0OP3=0OP2=1OP3=1OP2=0OP3=1OP2=10x00
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